I've been baking! Thought I'd get creative in the kitchen for fathers day. Yesterday we had my parents and my nan round for dinner and cake to celebrate fathers day, and an early celebration for my mums birthday which is tomorrow.
It's cute don't you think! My Dad is big time into his allotment so it was easy to choose a theme. Not sure if i was a bit of a scrooge only baking one cake for two celebrations but there is only so much cake you can eat in a day. We're off out for dinner to celebrate mums birthday so we don't really need two cakes...do we.., a piece of chocolate sponge with ice cream for pudding will do just fine!
This is the first potato crop from Dad's allotment, there sure is going to be a lot of veg to be eaten soon. Here is my Dad, the first family member to be featured on my blog! Hi Dad.

I've not lost sight of the real task in hand. My ceramics. Just finished these samples of brooches and magnets for the
geteurofied sampler boxes. The summer boxes are on sale now if you fancy buying one you can do so on
etsy here. My items won't feature until the August sampler box.